Dart Sound typing and Sound null safety!!!
The Dart language is type safe; it uses static type checking to ensure that a variable’s value always matches the variable’s static type. Sometimes, this is referred to as sound typing. Although types are mandatory, type annotations are optional because of type inference. The Dart typing system is also flexible, allowing the use of a dynamic
type combined with runtime checks, which can be useful during experimentation or for code that needs to be especially dynamic.
Dart offers sound null safety, meaning that values can’t be null unless you say they can be. With sound null safety, Dart can protect you from null exceptions at runtime through static code analysis. Unlike many other null-safe languages, when Dart determines that a variable is non-nullable, that variable is always non-nullable. If you inspect your running code in the debugger, you’ll see that non-nullability is retained at runtime (hence sound null safety).